2018 note: This page was written by me in 1999 as part of a recipe blog.

Sprouted Wheat Bread

This recipe was originally (15-20 years ago!) found in a Bon Appetite magazine. The first method below is my adaptation as I used it in my pre-bread machine years. I did use my Kitchen Aid mixer -- it could just as easily be done by hand for you real diehards out there.

I must admit that I usually didn't bother using sprouts in this bread. They are often just too much trouble. They also make the bread very moist, almost cereal-like. I'd suggest trying the recipe both ways: with and without the sprouts. Don't leave out the ginger, though - it really adds something to the bread.

3/4 C milk, microwaved 1 minute on high 1/4 C honey
1/3 C margarine 1 T salt
2 T molasses 1 C warm water

Combine the above in large mixing bowl. In the cup in which the honey was measured, proof 2 T yeast in 1/2 C lukewarm water with 1 t ginger for 10 minutes. Add the yeast mixture to the mixing bowl.

Add 1/2 C gluten flour, 1 1/2 C whole wheat flour, 1 1/2 C chopped wheat sprouts (optional; see below), and 1 C unbleached white flour and mix several minutes at medium speed (use dough hooks). Slowly add about 2 1/2 C whole wheat flour and 2 C unbleached white flour and knead (with mixer).

Let rise punch down, then let rise again. Form into two loaves (brush with butter if desired) and let rise again. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Remove loaves from pans (brush with melted butter if desired) and let cool on a rack.

Wheat Sprouts:

Wheat sprouts can be made from "wheat berries", available in health food stores, often sold in bulk. Years ago, when making sprouts was the craze, I was able to find wheat berries sold specifically for sprouting. I recently found a sprouting jar in our local health food store. A sprouting jar is essentially a glass jar with a plastic lid with holes in it. If you don't have one of these, use a piece of cheesecloth attached to the jar with a canning ring.

To make sprouts, soak the wheat berries overnight in enough water to cover. Drain and rinse the next day (this is why the sprouting jar makes it easy!) and place the jar out of direct sunlight for the day. Rinse and drain again at the end of the day. Continue this routine for a few days. When the sprouts are growing nicely, place them in the sun for a few hours to "green them up". Then, they are ready - use immediately or store in the refrigerator.

Bread Machine instructions:
3/8 C milk 3/4 C water
1 T margarine 2 T honey
1 T molasses 1/2 t ginger
1 t salt 3/4 C chopped wheat sprouts
1/4 C gluten flour (or substitute bread flour) 1 3/4 C all-purpose flour
1 3/4 C whole wheat flour 1 T yeast

Mix and bake according to the bread machine manufacturers' instructions. Note: I'd suggest watching the dough in the breadmaker carefully for the first 5-10 minutes, because the sprouts can cause the dough to be too wet. Add a tablespoon or two more flour if necessary to get the "proper" dough consistency.

I prefer to use the dough cycle, then take the dough out and place it in a standard loaf pan. Let it rise until nearly double, then bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes, as in the standard recipe, above.